(I recommended to watch youtube tut because it's difficult to understand,u can find it right bottom of this post)

I'm always Prefer multi audio rather than single track movies,In this days so many people doing Jobs in Software field but their don't know that a movie consist of how many audio tracks,all other stuff related to movies, i'm also a beginner in this field but at to share my felling to people's by this tutorial your able to make your own multi audio,doing Experiments only changes your activities and being to reach your reach your and shows other how your freak.(Sorry for my bad english)
Getting started what you need is:
different tracks of a movie and a tool named mkvmerge Download that tool from official page and install that
I'm Explain this with an example of movie say Snitch i downloaded dual audio from torrent and telugu dubbed movie from my Boardband my aim is to clubbing that both into single.
Step 1: Open installed mkv merge Program, drag the telugu audio snitch in to that,and un mark video part and mark only AAC or any other audio part only means in this step we're detaching audio from the movie.and click on start mugg.
Step 2: After clicking on start mugg,Separate audio file of telugu version is detached from telugu dubbed,Now clear all entities from that tool and drag the dual audio to that tool and also add telugu audio which was separated in step 1.and click on start mug.
Step 3: Done you can more audio tracks also!!! Similarly you can add subtitles also.
Still confused watch below video:
Click Here to watch on Youtube
Step 2: After clicking on start mugg,Separate audio file of telugu version is detached from telugu dubbed,Now clear all entities from that tool and drag the dual audio to that tool and also add telugu audio which was separated in step 1.and click on start mug.
Step 3: Done you can more audio tracks also!!! Similarly you can add subtitles also.
Still confused watch below video:
Click Here to watch on Youtube
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