Parker is a 2013 American crime thriller film directed by Taylor Hackford. Starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez, the film is adapted from Flashfire, the 19th Parker novel, wrParker (Jason Statham) is a professional talented thief . His Mentor asked to him to do a 5 Men Job. their did the first robbery successfully instead of giving share to parker there tried to kill him. They dispose of his body but someone finds him and he is still alive and takes him to the hospital. After recovering he sets out to get back at the ones who tried to kill him, another one of his codes. He learns where they are and poses as a wealthy Texan looking to buy a house. So he hires a Realtor, Leslie Rogers (Jennifer Lopez) to show him around. Unfortunate there know that parker had survived and send a contract killer to kill parker, after the gang play a vital role and stole the jewels at a auction at finally he killed that crew’s and shared that jewels to leslie and other who helped him to survival.itten by Donald Westlake under the name Richard Stark.
Parker is a 2013 American crime thriller film directed by Taylor Hackford. Starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez, the film is adapted from Flashfire, the 19th Parker novel, wrParker (Jason Statham) is a professional talented thief . His Mentor asked to him to do a 5 Men Job. their did the first robbery successfully instead of giving share to parker there tried to kill him. They dispose of his body but someone finds him and he is still alive and takes him to the hospital. After recovering he sets out to get back at the ones who tried to kill him, another one of his codes. He learns where they are and poses as a wealthy Texan looking to buy a house. So he hires a Realtor, Leslie Rogers (Jennifer Lopez) to show him around. Unfortunate there know that parker had survived and send a contract killer to kill parker, after the gang play a vital role and stole the jewels at a auction at finally he killed that crew’s and shared that jewels to leslie and other who helped him to survival.itten by Donald Westlake under the name Richard Stark.
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